Montana Genealogy

Montana Genealogy contains information and records for Montana ancestry, family history, and genealogy. Specifically, it provides sources for birth records, death records, marriage records, census records, tax records, court records, and military records. It also provides some historical details about different times and people in Montana history.


New Montana Genealogy

Vital Records of Gallatin County Montana

Researchers can apply for birth and death certificates in person at the Clerk and Recorder’s Office or marriage licenses from the Clerk of District Court, both found in Bozeman, Montana. If you are unable to visit the offices of either in person then visit the following links for additional information on…

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Railroads and Electricity

The Northern Pacific Railroad, the first to reach this part of the northwest, arrived in Bozeman, March 21, 1883, and the arrival was celebrated as an important event in the history of the city. In the parade from the court house to the depot during the afternoon of that day,…

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Public Enterprises

Gallatin Canyon Road It was about 1898 that the first wagon road was built up the Gallatin River as far as Taylor’s Fork, the intention being to connect with a National Park wagon road at Swan Lake Basin. James M. Moore, a pioneer who celebrated his eighty-fifth birthday anniversary in…

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Pioneer Churches

The first church service held in Gallatin County was by W. W. Alderson, a pioneer farmer, who had been licensed to preach in Illinois, and whose license was also issued in Montana. This service was at the cabin of Merritt W. Penwell and Oscar Penwell on East Gallatin, about 12…

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Montana Made a Territory

When Montana was made a Territory, May 26, 1864, the pioneers began to plan for a legislative session, in accordance with the act creating the territory. Sidney Edgerton was the first governor of Montana, being appointed by President Lincoln while he was on the way home from Washington, D. C.,…

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